Success Stories

Kelly’s Journey

Kelly was enrolled in college in the health administration program. She had been diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury and at the time, it difficult for her to retain information and comprehend material at a fast pace. It also took Kelly double the time of her peers to do her homework.

Members of Kelly’s IRT

Kelly, her mom, and the workforce counselor created an Integrated Resource Team (IRT) to connect her with disability services and her instructors so she could advocate her needs and how to best accommodate them.

The IRT meeting provided her with knowledge and resources, while also empowering her. The disability service representative talked about the services she could receive and the instructors talked about how their classes operate and accommodations or modifications they could provide. This meeting was instrumental in Kelly being successful in the college setting.

Kelly’s Outcomes

The IRT provided the supports necessary for Kelly to follow her desired career path of health administration. Kelly graduated from college and is now working in the healthcare industry doing the work she went to school for.

*Names have been changed in the Success Stories to protect identities.