We’re grateful to the collaborative work group of the following organizations who created the Your Dream, Your Team website:

We would also like to acknowledge the following people and organizations who helped provide insight, guidance, and content for Your Dream, Your Team:
Alan Gallagher | Workforce Programs Specialist 3, Special Populations Team Supervisor, NYSDOL
Alan Sessions | Disability Resource Coordinator, CDO Workforce
Ali Wittenberg | Senior Consultant, Change Impact
Alice Savino | Executive Director, CDO Workforce Development Board
Bill Przylucki | Director, Collaborative Solutions / Research Associate, NYS Council on Children and Families
Cary Newman | Program Manager, Disability Awareness Training
Cathy Welch | Professor, College of Education, University of Iowa
Cory Schmid | Disability Employment Initiative Project Lead, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
Cynthia M. Wrend | New York State Bonding Coordinator-Federal Bonding Program (or FBP)- Workforce Programs Specialist 1, NYSDOL
Christine Broders | Disability Resource Coordinator, Arapahoe / Douglas Works Workforce Center
Danielle DiMare | Senior Consultant, Change Impact
David Whalen | Founder, Disability Awareness Training
Emily Bosley | Senior Coordinator, College & Career Prep KY Skills U
Jacqueline Hayes, Program Planner | NYS Council on Developmental Disabilities (NYS CDD)
Jen Siaca Curry | Chief Executive Officer, Change Impact
Jenny Hutkowski |Director of Family and Youth Education, Starbridge
Jill Larmett | Disability Resource Coordinator, Capital Workforce, Connecticut
Jodi Delapaz | Communications Coordinator, CDO Workforce Development Board
Juie Deo | Workforce Programs Specialist 3, Youth Team Supervisor, NYSDOL
Joyce Hawk | Mid-Hudson Coordinator, Westchester Institute for Human Development Community Support Network
Karen Quesnel | Operations Coordinator / RETAIN CT Project Lead, CT Department of Labor, Office of Workforce Competitiveness
Kathy DeAngelo | Disability Resource Coordinator, CDO Workforce
Kay Broughton |Program Associate, NYS Council on Developmental Disabilities (NYS CDD)
Kerry Wiley | DEI Round 8 State Lead, Workforce Program Specialist, NYSDOL
Lance Kaldor | Workforce Senior Consultant, Meridian Local Office, Idaho Department of Labor
Leah Hastad | Resource Coordinator, Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council
Maria Lombardi | Disability Resource Coordinator, HempsteadWorks
Marilyn Patterson | Disability Resource Coordinator, Niagara's WorkSourceOne
Martha Mock | Professor, Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and Director of the Center for Disability and Education, University of Rochester
Mary E. McLaughlin | Workforce Development Specialist, Tompkins County Workforce New York
Pat Dowse | Vice President of Business Development, New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation
Page Eastin | Workforce Program Coordinator, Iowa Department of Human Rights, Workforce Development
Richard Brenna | Disability Resource Coordinator, MassHire Department of Career Services
Robin Miller | IT/GIS Project Coordinator, NYS Council on Children and Families
Sacha Stadhard | Policy and Program Operations, MassHire Department of Career Services
Sarah Loizeaux | Technical Assistance Liaison, Disability Employment Initiative, National Disability Institute
Shannon Alvord | Coordinator of Community Youth Services, Tompkins County Workforce New York
Sonam B Willow, LMSW, CRC | Disability & Housing Specialist for the Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley | Family Therapist for Willowworks/Choices Counseling
Susan Hopkins | College & Career Navigator Coordinator, Kentucky Skills U, Kentucky Education & Workforce Development Cabinet
Tera Brooks | Disability Resource Coordinator, Central Minnesota Jobs & Training Services, Inc.
Zach Powell | Senior Planner, City of Albany Department of Planning and Development