Success Stories

Jason’s Journey

Jason and his business representative came to the CDO Workforce Center for support. Jason is autism. He has a hard time relating and communicating with people. Despite this challenge, he volunteered his time assisting a local sports team. The coach of the team, John, was motivated to help Jason gain work experience. He learned about work-based learning and how Career Centers can support wages for 200 hours of internships for young people with disabilities.

John convinced his boss where he worked at a manufacturing plant to provide an internship to Jason. He also offered to be his supervisor.

Jason’s IRT Members

Jason and John initiated the IRT, and invited Jason’s mom and the workforce counselor to join them to learn how the business could accommodate Jason’s needs.

Work-Based Learning

Jason worked as an intern operating a machine and excelled in his job. He was always on time, professional, and reliable. The Career Center met with the supervisor to conduct performance reviews of Jason.

Jason’s Outcomes

The manufacturing plant expanded his duties and trained him on additional machines. This boosted his confidence and self-esteem and he has become comfortable having lunch with his co-workers.

The internship has completed and now Jason is working with the IRT to help him complete the required training so that he can drive dump trucks.

*Names have been changed in the Success Stories to protect identities.