Preparing for Your Interview

A job interview is when you meet with a potential employer who asks questions in order to learn about you and see if you are the right fit for an open job. This Preparing for Your Interview Worksheet will help guide you.

Interviewing Best Practices

  • Practice, practice, practice! Work with a Career Counselor to practice answering sample interview questions. You can also practice in front of a mirror. Another way to practice is to record the audio of your answers to common interview questions on your mobile device and listen back to them to see how you sound.
  • Research the company. Learn their mission, vision, and values. Try to gather as much information about your job or department as you can.
  • Prepare a list of any achievements. This includes any certificates, diplomas, work-based learning experiences, camps, or other programs you have completed.
  • Think about what questions you want to ask. During the interview, be sure to ask questions. Be curious! It lets the interviewer know you’ve done your homework and are interested in their company.
  • Plan your travel. A few days before the interview, review the route you’re going to take to the interview location. Find out how long it takes to arrive and what time you have to leave so that you arrive early. Ask your interviewer for directions and the best place to park.
  • Think about whether and when to disclose your disability. Practice answering interview questions, including ones that may be inappropriate or illegal.
  • Make a great first impression. On the day of the interview wake up early, dress appropriately, and arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of your interview.
  • Be organized. Bring a folder containing paper that you can write notes on, questions you want to ask, copies of your resume, a list of references, and business cards.
  • Take your time answering questions. Think about what they’re asking. It’s okay to ask them to repeat the question. Most importantly, be honest in your answers.
  • Prepare for closing the interview. Thank your interviewers for their time. Ask them how they would like you to follow up and what their expected timeline is for hiring. Make sure you write down their names and titles. If possible, get business cards from everyone who interviewed you.
  • Record notes. Right after the interview, write every detail down while it’s still fresh in your memory. Write down the receptionist’s name, the details of the small talk you had with the interviewers, your responses to their questions, and their responses to your questions. Remembering this information will help you in future interactions with the interviewer, including follow-up phone calls and thank you notes.


Compete this worksheet to help you ace your interview!

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Helpful Resources

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